In the next screen use a new name and change any other info you may want (not required) and store the new footprint in a user library like USERPKG When you are done select the created footprint (pads & outer line) plus the text from the decomposed component (this helps avoid entering everything from scratch), right click and select make package

Use the 2D graphics mode to make the outline of the component (or resize the existing one) to match the one you are trying to createĬhange the snap size if needed, then use the dimension mode and create lines or use the grid or numeric coordinates to help you place the pads (move the existing ones from the decomposed footprint) to the appropriate distances as per the device datasheet. If the dimension of your footprint are in mm then pres the m button for metric or leave it as is for mils Right click on the footprint and select decompose tagged objects Open ARES and place a similar footprint on the design (a relay that matches the number of pins is fine) This can probably be explained better in a in a video but I'll try with images